

10 points / 45 minutes


Your task: Create a paper mannequin of a person from history. Draw the appropriate clothing on their body and give basic explanations of what they might see, believe, feel, hear or travel to.


1. Trace the outline of the body from this link onto your own paper using pencil (or print one out!)

2. Draw and color the appropriate clothing or armor onto the body.

3. Near the person’s eyes write at least 2 sentences on what the person might see on a typical day.

4. Near the person’s heart write at least 2 sentences on what they might believe.

5. Near the person’s ears write at least 2 sentences on something they might hear.

6. Near the person’s hands write at least 2 sentences on what they might feel.

7. Near the person’s feet write at least 2 sentences on where they might travel.