More Time Warp!

Post date: May 16, 2019 1:24:04 AM

Two more Time Warp games are ready to play. I recommend you copy each of the files in the folders below to your own Google Drive (File > Make a Copy) to avoid any network issues. You will need to update the links in the main Play file and at the end of each chapter to match the new URLs of your copied files. When you create a share link you can change the "EDIT" word in the URL to "PRESENT" to have the file open in show mode.

Time Warp 1: Transformation

Google Drive Folder

Time Warp 2: The Explorers

Google Drive Folder

Time Warp 3: Going West

Google Drive Folder

Time Warp 4: Civil War Lives

Google Drive Folder

Analysis Guide <- Download this file and print for each student