In N Out Chart

In N Out Chart

50 XP / 25 mins



Your task: Copy and complete the graphic organizer below which highlights the events and people that influenced a particular person or civilization in history as well as the contributions of that person or civilization.


1. Do not write the words in the example below, they are simply showing what goes in each arrow.

2. In the center box write the name of the person/civilization and draw a picture to represent them.

3. In the arrows labeled “Influence”

-write something that influenced (helped, encouraged, inspired, etc.) the person or civilization. This could be something from someone else or from inside the person/civilization itself.

-For example, for the Roman Empire you might put “Greek architecture”

4. In the arrows labeled “Contribution”

-write something that the person/civilization contributed (gave, taught, shared) to others (inventions, ideas, etc.).

-For example, for the Roman Empire you might put “Latin language”

5. At the bottom or on the back of your chart explain whether you think this group took more from others or gave more to others and why you think that.