Picture Book

Picture Book

200 XP / 90 minutes


Your task: Create a picture book (children’s book) detailing the most important information from a period in history. The book should be simple enough for a child to understand but should still include important historical information.


1. Stack two pieces of white paper, turn them sideways and fold them over. This will create 8 total pages including the front and back covers.

2. On the front cover write a title and your name.

3. On the 6 inside pages write your story.

a. Each page must have 3 or more written sentences. These must be written using simple words that a child could understand.

b. Each page must have a drawing (picture, symbol, map, graphic organizer [“bubbles”], etc. that must be colored.

c. The topics should be chronological. That is, the events that happened first should be the beginning of the book.

4. On the back include a short summary of the book like you’d find on any other book.