Cause and Effect Chain

Cause and Effect Chain

50 XP / 25 mins



Your task: Copy and complete the following chart (found in the links below) for your assigned event.


1. Copy the chart below onto your own paper. (follow the link below for the chart)

2. Write the assigned event (look at the assignment choice sheet) in the middle box [box 3].

3. In box 2 write an event that caused the event in box 3. Include a short explanation (at least one complete sentence) about the event.

4. In box 1 write an event that caused the event in box 2. Include a short explanation (at least one complete sentence) about the event.

5. In box 4 write an event that was an effect of (was caused by) the event in box 3.

6. In box 5 write an event that was an effect of (was caused by) the event in box 4.

7. When completed you should have a complete cause and effect chain for 5 events.